rundisney snack box and banana at the finish line

What Happens After You Cross a runDisney Finish Line?

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You’ve done it! You completed the magical miles and crossed that runDisney finish line. What happens next? Here’s a breakdown of what to expect after you pause the Garmin at a runDisney Finish Line.

runDisney 2019 Princess 5K medal at finish line

We’ve been asked why we runDisney more times than we can count. And for me, it all comes down to the runner support.

Pre-race, on the course, and at the finish line, runDisney treats runners right!

If you need to know what happens after you cross the finish line, this is the guide for you.

Crossing a runDisney Finish Line

First- I hope you smiled for the camera, threw those arms in the air, and got a great photo finish!

It’s all about the finish line pics- and you’ll want a good one to remember the race later.

And then… pause that Garmin! I usually forget that step and am surprised later when I add an extra mile to my race.

So- don’t be me. Hit the watch and go ahead, take a glance to see how you did!

finish line at a runDisney race

Medical Assistance At The Finish Line

The medical staff is amazing- and there’s a lot of them! If you finish and find you need medical assistance, these folks will be the first ones you see.

Look for red jackets and caring faces: you’ll find your runDisney medical volunteers are there to assist.

You can also look over to the immediate right-hand side of the finish line chute.

You’ll find the very large and very well staffed Medical Tent just steps away. From aches and pains to serious injuries and possible life-saving assistance, you can get the medical help you need in there.

Hopefully you won’t need them, but knowing where to find them could be a huge help at the end of a hard race!

runDisney medical tent and volunteers

Get Your runDisney Race Medal at the Finish Line

This is the fun part! As long as you are feeling good, keep walking just a bit and snag your race medal.

There are volunteers handing out medals on BOTH sides of the race chute. Pro-tip: the left-hand side tends to be less crowded.

runDisney volunteers handing medals

These volunteers stand at the finish line for hours- holding armfuls of heavy metal.

So be sure to say thank you when they put the medal around your neck!

race volunteer handing medals at rundisney event

Cold Weather? Grab a Heat Sheet at the Finish

When temps are chilly at the end of a runDisney race, the finish line will have heat sheets available.

If you aren’t familiar with these, they are silver metallic blankets that keep the body heat in. I sometimes (affiliate link) buy them on Amazon in advance if I have concerns about them being available.

Worth pausing for a moment if they are being handed out!

Usually, you’ll find these on the left side against the fence.

Hydration Stations at the runDisney Finish Line

Grab a bottle of water!

Grab a Powerade!

Make sure you take one of each because you need the water and the electrolytes after a Florida humidity run. Trust me!

water station at finish of runDisney race
Powerade at finish line of rundisney race

Don’t Miss the Challenge Medal Tent!

If you are running any of the runDisney challenge races, you’ll need to make an extra stop.

Runners participating in the Goofy Challenge, Dopey Challenge, Fairy Tale Challenge, Rival Run Challenge and Two Course Challenge will all need to head in here.

The Challenge tent will be well marked and, yes, you DO need to go in there with your bib to receive your extra challenge medal.

runDisney challenge medal tent

Pick Up Your Finish Line Snack Box and Banana

Okay, so you made it past medical, got your medals, downed some water- now it’s time to eat!

Awwww, yeah, the famous runDisney snack boxes.

Trust me: you want cheese and chips to be inside these babies!

runDisney snack boxes
rundisney snack box and banana at the finish line

If you’re thinking- wait, my hands are getting full!

You’re right. They probably are. So get creative and tuck those water bottles or boxes in whatever pocket you’ve got handy!

Or if you are super prepared, you might go ahead and stash a small bag somewhere on your person during the race.

Finisher Picture Stops

Now that runDisney race pics are included with your PhotoPass Memory Maker, make a stop at one of the finish line photo stops.

finisher pictures 5K

There will be tables to stash the snacks and drinks- and sometimes props as well!

There are multiple setups for this.

There are a ton of lines, but they move pretty quickly.

photopass finisher pics at runDisney finish line

These will be included with your Memory Maker pics if you purchased it in advance- and definitely worth the quick stop.

Gear Pick-Up Trucks at the runDisney Finish Line

If you checked a bag before the race, don’t forget to pick it back up!

You’ll visit the same truck you dropped your bag off at the beginning of the race.

Bags are stored by bib number and last name.

The volunteers have the system down to a science and will get your bag out to you pronto!

gear bag check at rundisney race
gear bag truck

Find Your Family at the Family Reunion Area

It’s finally time to find your family and celebrate your success.

From the time you finish until the time you work your way through the Gear Bag Check area, you’ll be on your own.

But there’s a whole other family reunion area that’s perfect to meet your family at!

Here you can use the port-a-potties, grab some grub from a food truck, or board a bus back to your resort. There are a few picnic tables set up and some bleachers, but for the most part, there’s not a ton of seating.

Keep that in mind as you finish- and if you plop a squat on the ground, you won’t be alone.

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