
How Marvel-ous! 2019 runDisney Virtual Race Series

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Things are going to be Marvel-ous this summer with the 2019 runDisney Virtual Running Shorts. That’s right: virtual racing with medals! Tying into the celebration of 80 years of Marvel, this summer’s virtual races from runDisney are Marvel themed.

2019 runDisney Virtual race series features Marvel
Photo: runDisney

This is the 4th year running for runDisney’s Virtual Running Shorts which gives runners the chance to participate in runDisney events anywhere they want over the summer. Its the most magical virtual race series!

Virtual racing is a ton of fun- and a great way to keep yourself moving when you don’t have a race on the calendar. And something I’m going to try to fit into my training more this year.

The runDisney virtual race series seems to be a big hit, and this year, it’s going to be MARVEL-ous! I didn’t know that I could love something as much as I loved the Incredibles themed runDisney virtual run last summer- but here we are.

I honestly squealed when I saw that the summer virtual racing medals would be Marvel-themed.

As a huge Marvel fangirl, this just might keep me moving over the summer.

runner as Captain America

If you are new to the Marvel Universe, catch up on your Marvel Movie Marathon by watching this list of Marvel movies in order!

2019 runDisney Virtual Race 5K s

From runDisney:

Join us for the runDisney Virtual Series that celebrates 80 years of Marvel! Choose from three Marvel-themed 5Ks, featuring Captain Marvel, Iron Man and Black Panther, or run them all to earn a bonus medal when you sign up for the Challenge. Our virtual 5Ks are an ideal introduction to runDisney and a great way to train for other races. Run, jog or walk on a treadmill, around the neighborhood—or any course of your choosing. Take along the family, your friends or even the dog. It’s a super way to participate in a runDisney event from home.

Registration for the series goes on sale May 7, 2019 at 10:00 AM EST.

The first runDisney virtual race 5K takes place from June 1- June 30 and features Captain Marvel. Who’s ready to take their summer running higher, further, faster?

Captain Marvel running costume

Themes of the runDisney Virtual Race 5Ks

It looks like the first 5K will be Captain Marvel themed. June 1-30

The second 5K appears to be Iron Man. July 1-31 Side note: this is the first time Iron Man has been used in any of the runDisney themed events!

And the third 5K in the runDisney virtual series will be Black Panther. Wakanda Forever! August 1-31

And as always, there’s a challenge for completing all 3.

2019 runDisney virtual race bibs

How Much do the 2019 runDisney Virtual race 5Ks cost?

Each race is listed as $40, or you can purchase the full challenge package for $145.

The medals will be shipped to the physical address on file in the runDisney participant account.

How Does a Virtual Race Work?

This is the beauty of virtual racing: you can do it on your own, whenever and wherever you find the time to run.

The completion of all races are on an honor system, and you do not need to submit anything official to runDisney. Bragging and sharing on social media is always acceptable, however.


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