
Princess Half Marathon 2013- We Took Pictures. And Ran. A Little.

The alarm(s) went off- yes, we had multiple set, just in case, and April and I sprang into action.  Okay- I sprang, April kinda rolled around and cursed the world and all things too early… but she got up.  We got dressed in our fabulous race attire and made the walk to the bus stop….


More Princess Friends Arrive- From the Internet, Of Course!

But I didn’t have to stalk these friends.  That special treat was just for Julie and Amy! Lucky gals… (In case you were wondering-  you ARE in the right place!  Same Shenanigans, just a new look.  Continue on…) After leaving Animal Kingdom and the girls, I made a mad dash to Epcot.  Another one of…


When Stalking Internet Friends Pays Off- In Pictures!

Flashback to this post when I wrapped up the Princess Half Marathon of 2012.  I mentioned running into Amy and Julie, (TinkerAmy and SaySay on the Disboards.)  I even threw out the line that I wanted to run with them someday, fishing for an invite- and Amy BIT! From the comment section on that post,…