
Princesses: Get Your Tiaras on Straight

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Dear fellow Princess runners,

I’m writing this from the plane, so yes, it’s second hand knowledge that I’m sharing here. But I believe it to be a true representation of what’s happening today.

Holy crap on a royal cracker people, this runDisney expo goes down as the most embarrassing example of consumerism I’ve seen in a long time.  The Princess Half, once again, shows it’s ugly side.

Lines are long. Longest I’ve ever seen. Tempers are high.  People are acting crazy.  Legit crazy, folks.
Reports on Facebook as follows:

Cast member punched.

Wine glasses thrown and broken.


photo: erin

Tumblers ripped out of each other’s hands.

Jacket nonsense.

Cast members being ignored when they asked the pushing princesses to back away from the jacket display.

Guys.  Really?  I just can’t with all this insanity.

It’s “stuff.”  Stuff that’s branded with runDisney and does not necessitate losing our manners and minds.

And frankly not really high-quality stuff. Let’s be real here.  Cheap Chinese imports, mostly.

So we’re acting like fools over something that’s likely going to break or is printed incorrectly anyway.

It’s been an awful display splashed all over social media today that leaves a bitter taste in my mouth that we act like this.  One of my friends said it best: it’s just gross.

We’re runners. We’re better than this.

Yes, I know, it’s Disney.  And as one of the biggest brands in the world there is a high demand for their items.  And can we blame them for inciting this frenzy?

Nope. They are doing their job when it comes to sales and making money. 

I feel the issue lies with us.  Can’t we as a group be better than this animalistic behavior?

Look, I’ve been to many expos and it’s never been as bad as this.  It’s sad. It’s not right. And we can do better.

I’m asking everyone to straighten out tutus, consider the real reason you are there (no, it’s not an overpriced tumbler!), and try again tomorrow with a fresh attitude on the day.

Let’s be safe, have fun, and perfect that princess wave (so I don’t have to start using a special finger salute instead) ?.



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  1. I once saw two ladies get in a fist fight over the last pair of $.98 shoes at a department store. People are CRAZY. I’m with you. It is just stuff, and the leftovers will end up being sold at the Disney outlet for a fraction of the price.

  2. That is beyond awful. I’ve been happy going to the expo on the last day with lighter crowds and just shopping from whatever is left to avoid this! Sometimes just running the last race of the weekend has it’s perks.

  3. Aww, so sad this is happening. Fortunately I started running the Princess races when they weren’t overly popular like they are today and Merchandise was easy to get ( even the jackets). I feel like I got my memorabilia and I don’t need all the crap from here on out. For that reason I don’t get all excited and freak out about merchandise. Frankly I try to get in and out of the expo as quick as possible!

    Have a great race Patty !

  4. Today was insane from what I saw on social media-hopefully tomorrow when I get to the expo will be better (I’m about to board my red eye now). I don’t want a lot (once yu done the expo for 3+ years, you have a lot of stuff and don’t need much) so I will be in and out.

    And hopefully Mallory and I will see you this weekend!

  5. I’ve said for several years now that the same people complaining about the merchandise problems are the ones causing the problems they’re complaining about. It’s just STUFF and at some point it’ll end up in the back of a closet or you’ll move to a new home and it’ll get given to Goodwill or thrown away. This past Star Wars I saw the line for the merch and thought it didn’t seem too bad, so I hopped on at the end. A cast member redirected me and told me the line was actually in another room. At that point I walked away. No piece of mass produced anything is worth my entire day.

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