Tinker Bell: Let’s Discuss
Social media is wondering just what’s wrong with the Tinker Bell Half and Pixie Dust Challenge?
Y’all… nothing. I don’t think runDisney is worried.
At least I wouldn’t be worried if I was them. It’s going to sell out (today maybe?).
After watching these races sell out in record time, it just feels weird to see Tink stall out a bit.
But let’s put things into perspective. Here’s some stats from last year for the 2014 half marathon:
And there it sat overnight. All the races sold out the next day however.
Tinker Bell 2015 has been on sale for two days.
The stats look like this:
That’s right. The PASTA PARTY has sold out but the Challenge has not.
Shenanigans, right?
The discussions I’ve seen lead people to believe a couple of things are going on here:
1. Mother’s Day negatively impacted the opportunity to run this race.
2. The additional races announced this year took the need away to rush for a Tink sign up.
I think both are factors.
Mother’s Day: Y’all know I wasn’t happy with the move. I did a small poll on it and most people were not happy with the move either.
Of course, many of those opposed have gotten over it and signed up anyway. Like me. Ahem.
Many of them decided to let Tinker Bell go, but new runners are stepping in to take their place.
It’s also fair to say that even though Mother’s Day might be a bad choice for some, it clearly isn’t a deal breaker. There are plenty of ladies who thought this was a fantastic reason to runDisney and are bringing their whole family with them.
Check this: the Kids Races sold out first. Diaper Dashers- kids who may not even be BORN yet- have bibs secured for their first race!
This is the first time I’ve seen this happen- and I think the Mother’s Day move factored into this.
Avengers and Star Wars: Both of these races sold out in record time. Was it the themes? Was it the time of year? Was it the gender neutral factor?
Probably all of the above.
By the time Tink registration came around I’m sure the typical runDisney fan found themselves low on funds or vacation time or both.
While I find all this odd and even wondered if Ashton Kutcher was punking us with the Pasta Party sell out (really… what’s up with this?!) I don’t think we should worry.
It’s not like we are talking about Goofy numbers or anything. Lawdy- did Dopey kill Goofy or what?
Tinker Bell is still a wonderful race with fabulous support. The courses are my favorite of the runDisney series so far and I’ve been assured that early mornings in May should still make for lovely running weather. (You know who you are that told me that and if it’s hot so help you…)
The parks may be crowded. Okay, they WILL be crowded. But at least the race shouldn’t be too bad.
What’s your prediction? When will Tinker Bell and the Pixie Dust Challenge sell out?
Patty Holliday has been running Disney since 2011. She knows just about every tip, trick, and hack there is to cover the runDisney Magical Miles at Disney World and Disneyland. She knows every mile isn’t *always* magical- but with training, tips, and a little bit of pixie dust, they can be a lot of fun! You can also find her at noguiltlife.com and noguiltfangirl.com
We went to DL for my hubby’s R&R in May around my birthday(may 21) in 2012. The weather was amazing every day. The high was around 75-80 during the day and I was cool enough to need sleeves each night. It is possible for the weather to be wonderful even in May.
I was at DL for Mother’s Day this year and it was packed and warm. 5:30am wasn’t terrible, but it is not the same as perfect Jan. I had to pass this year. May plus no 3 day weekend makes it too hard as an out of state teacher. I’ll be enjoying Avengers and Star Wars. I think the move is totally affecting the sales plus the addition of new races. I love to run on MD, but I am sticking to something local.
Great article and I am really enjoying your posts. Now I am back in Australia, I am missing my runDisney friends and races.
Keep up the great work!
Australian Marathon Reviews
Feel Tink may have lost some legacy runners due to date change. They will not be able to reach the 5 years mark because they and their families could not accommodate the date change and financial obligation.
Many people may have rushed to Stars Wars as it is their inaugural event providing a legacy opportunity.
I was in the park on Mothers Day and it wasn’t that bad. The morning and evening were great (my brother and boyfriend rode everything in DCA in the morning with no waits). Afternoon was crazy and hot. Many locals have a tradition of going to the parks on Mothers Day
The weather will be just depend. May had a few awesome days and a few hot days. We will just have to wait and see.
Everything??!! Including my favorite Radiator Springs Racers??!!!
See…THIS is why I signed up…right? 🙂
yes as long as you do single rider. They were able to ride 2 times in a row (walked up right to the top both times) while I went to get the fastpasses for Radiator Springs, world of color and soarin. They even rode in the same car (2 different rows) both times!
This is pretty common actually. I was there 2 weeks ago and walked right up around 10am in Single rider.
the regular line was probably 45-60 minutes.
Cool! I always do single rider cause…well, I’m a single rider 🙂 And I’ve gone twice in a row before, generally pretty early in the day and then it gets backed up!
I definitely think the other DL races are cutting in to Tink – before, there were only 2 ways to get your C2C on so pickings were slim.
It makes all the AP/DVC drama amusing in hindsight.
I think we are used to seeing the other races sell out, that part of us forgets that while not unpopular, I wouldn’t be stretching out too much to say it was the least popular rD half. Add in the 2 new races and the date change (still bitter)
The Mother’s Day date is why I’m doing Tink for the first time. I want the pink C2C and Feb > May is a good separation of time. And while I am not a Mother, we are making it a weekend away with our Mother. But I also don’t disagree that it could be factor. I certainly agree with the others that the two additional halfs in CA is probably the biggest factor – how many people did Tink because in the past because it was only one of two halfs and only one of two ways to get C2C. And the popularity of all the 10Ks indicates that runDisney is attracting new runners not quite ready for a half.
I’m sure it will sell out. As you know, we are doing it Tink this year ONLY because of the time of year, so that was a selling point for us and the previous January date was why we never did it before. I can’t believe the pasta party sold out. I was debating on buying tickets for us just to see what aa pasta party on the west cost would be like, but to be honest, I know what a late night that becomes and also there are so many restaurants we will want to try in such a short period of time. So I just left the party go. And then I saw how much MORE the ticket price was! Wow!
I also find it funny that children that are not born yet have been registered for the diaper dash. I have heard that on a few FB boards too. How funny!
I know a lot are unhappy about the move, but I for one was elated. I cannot go in January, so this was perfect for me. It also seems I’m the exact opposite of most, that they do not want to be away from their children for Mother’s Day. I see it as a present to be able to do what I want, when I want, and not waiting hand and foot on everyone else, the way I seem to spend every other Mother’s Day. AND I get to participate in my first challenge event. I’m one happy and excited camper as it seems I will finally get to enjoy a Mother’s Day to myself. 🙂
I have to say I am pretty surprised it didn’t sell out within hours like a lot of other races lol!
I agree with your hypothesis: RunDisney is not a bit worried about this selling out.
I seriously wanted to do this race, but the hubs is convinced flying from NY to LA with a 2 year old is nuts. I was willing to give it a go and then celebrate her birthday while we were in DL. I figure all the half marathon hoopla was proof I was nuts, too.
I actually like the time of year. I wanted to do a 10K and my daughter suggested this one because of Mother’s Day weekend. Since Alyson moved to Vegas over 10yrs ago, I haven’t spent a Mother’s Day with her so this weekend will be special. I’m just hoping I make it through the 10K (my first). I do think its comical that we are surprised when the races don’t sell out that quickly. I don’t think runDisney has anything to worry about.