Sum It Up Sunday- the Late Afternoon Edition
I’m normally at the computer bright and early with my Sunday posts. And this morning was no different.
You can read it here. It’s about this time that I went all fangirl and loved me some @runDisney on Twitter. Oh wait… that happens often. But this time I was WOWED & I decided that blog post couldn’t wait.I shared it first thing this morning.
If you were up last night or reading Twitter all day Friday, then you know how much fun it was to have runDisney interacting. Take a minute and let them know! We complain to them a lot, so when something goes so right, don’t you think we should tell them? I sure do. Hit ’em up in 140 characters or less at @runDisney and make sure they know how awesome #Tower10Miler was for you!
Sorry for going all caps there- but I’m excited about this! You’ve heard me gush on them before, but now we went all official. Timing is everything, and we all finally agreed to make the jump forward in this collaboration. To sum up, we’re mothers, runners, bloggers, and friends sharing our passion for all things #Disney with just the right touch of #DisBroad attitude! Nine of us, different ages, different backgrounds, and different perspectives. Could be a fun ride if ya want to tag along! You can start by following us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and checking out the DisBroads tab on my blog.
We’ll be hosting an introduction to each gal and her blog over the next couple of weeks, so please check back often so you don’t miss out! There are some GREAT ladies featured in our group and we hope you’ll love us like we love YOU!
Course Maps
I’ve been busy sprucing up the pages a bit, trying to make things a bit more user-friendly. One thing I noticed from Facebook groups are people asking for the course maps from previous years. Usually this is to get a jump on mentally preparing for their upcoming race. I’m a planner, I get that. Totally. So I went back and posted images of the course maps for all the runDisney races last year. Check them out in the runDisney tab on the top of the blog.
Mobile Blogging
A small brag. Very small. But I finally made it work and was able to blog from my phone. Mind. Blown. So many possibilities! Maybe I’ll blog FROM A RACE… it could happen. I’ve been known to Facebook and Tweet on the go, so I might as well throw a blog post up there while I’m at it, right?
You thought I forgot, right? No way! Still doing it, still getting out there. Just not as often as I should be. Ahem. 32 Days, Shenanigans! (pssst… check out that map up above.) Those miles are magical, for sure, but they ain’t gonna run themselves!
Had a great run this morning. One mile in my neighborhood clocking in at 11:47 for the first time since May. That’s not my fast, but it’s my fast in a long time. I’ll take it. This might have something to do with it.
It was glorious. I planned to hit the other 5 I owed my training outside as well, but encountered this small issue.
Federal Government #shutdown strikes again. #WhompWhomp. DisBroad Julie had this same issue on her run earlier this week. I am truly thankful that *so far* this is the only casualty coming out of this mess that personally hits me. I know there are people with far more pressing concerns than their running paths being closed. Like feeding their kids.
I’m not going to go political here, but things are broken, and they aren’t getting fixed. And it’s frankly pissing me off.
All that taken into consideration, my Sparkle Skirted bootay got on the treadmill, watched some Glee, and ran my 6 miles for the day. It wasn’t pretty, but it was done.
And since I’ll be blogging on my run at Wine and Dine, do I really need to be fast? Nah… didn’t think so either.
How’s your training going? Has your area fallen for Fall yet? Tell me about your next race!
Patty Holliday has been running Disney since 2011. She knows just about every tip, trick, and hack there is to cover the runDisney Magical Miles at Disney World and Disneyland. She knows every mile isn’t *always* magical- but with training, tips, and a little bit of pixie dust, they can be a lot of fun! You can also find her at and