Under Armour Star Wars | Big Mistake. Huge.

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Dear Under Armour,

Congrats!  You did it again.

And that’s not a good thing.

News traveled quickly this week that your line of Under Armour Star Wars tech gear was available.  I went to the site myself, hoping to find some new gear for the two Star Wars themed races I have pending on my calendar.

And then this happened.


Are you kidding me, Under Armour?

First you broke my heart with the poor options for women and girls in you Alter Ego line.  A  grand total of ONE Superman shirt for women and four items for girls.

Oh- and three of them were pinked up to make it more girlie.

Look, I’m not opposed to a little pink and frivolity, but would it kill you to market to women and girls without assuming they want to be frilly?

obi wan 1

And now, this?

I was hopeful when I heard that Star Wars was featured through Under Armour.  I love UA; I love Star Wars.  This was going to be a beautiful moment between me, you, and my (Star Wars) Visa card.

Alas, no.

In case your marketing department is lost in the 1970s (which it appears they might be), women and moms comprise the heft of purchase power in 2015.

58% of all online purchases are made by, you guessed it, women.

Big mistake

As far as Under Armour and your products specifically?

I know I’ve bought my fair share.  The products are quality, the women’s lines fit beautifully, and they are affordable.


Let me help you out with some research.  Did you know that women made up the majority of runners at the 2015 Star Wars Half Marathon and 10K events?

SW 10K women SW half women

In case you are sitting there saying, “Annndd…?”  I’ll cut to the chase.

This means we need tech gear to run in. And probably would have bought some Star Wars themed items from UA if, you know, they fit us.

Can women wear men’s lines?  Sure.

Do we love looking like boxes?  Nope.

Mens shirts

We love running, working out, superheroes and science fiction and supporting our daughters in those interests as well.

My own daughter’s favorite character for the past two years is Iron Man.  And her options to show her love for the big guy are very limited.   Give her an Iron Man shirt to run in?  I promise you she would run away from Girl Meets World and take a mile in a shirt like that. Sometimes, the clothes are the motivation when we are talking to a 10-year-old mind.

And maybe a 41-year-old mind as well.

It looks like I’m not alone in my complaints.  Taking a peek at your Facebook page, there’re plenty of folks decrying your lack of gender equality when it comes to sportswear.



And it’s clearly NOT just a Star Wars or Alter Ego issue.  It seems UA doesn’t offer girls lines in other styles as well.

Sigggghhhhh… why, Under Armour, whhhhyyy???

If you need a hint on how to sell to women in the geek/nerd market: here you go.

Check out Her Universe. Ashley Eckstein is one businesswoman who understands what we want, what we need, and what makes us feel special. She markets to all ages, all sizes, and you’ll be hard pressed to find pink splashed randomly in her clothing line.

her universe FB page

Under Armour, I’d like a response.  As a returning customer to your brand, I think I’m owed one.

And for goodness sake… I’d love a damn shirt that fits my boobs and waist but allows me to show my geekiness while working out.

Update: from Twitter this morning.

Looks like we are being heard, ladies!  @AskTeamUA confirmed an expanded Alter Ego line as well as Star Wars line to come.  No word on the timeframe, but let’s hope we can order before January!   I appreciate the quick response to my concerns.  That’s how you earn back some credibility, Under Armour.  Thank you.

How do you feel about the issue?  Do you think women have a legitimate complaint here?

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