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runDisney Princess Half & Disneyland Half Updates

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Dumbo PrincessWarning:  Spoilers to follow. 

If you prefer to see the bibs for the first time at the expo (hey, some people like to be surprised and I want to respect that!) then you might want to stop reading after the Princess Half Marathon update.  Bibs for the Disneyland Half Weekend are included in this post.

On to the updates!

Princess Half

I found this tidbit of information hiding in plain sight on the runDisney Princess Half Marathon page.  This may not be any big deal if you are a first time Princess Weekend participant, but it is a big change for those who ran #Cinderella5K in the past. [Tweet “The “family” 5K at #PrincessHalf looks like it’s slipping away.”]

PHM 5KFirst the strollers were banned (last year due to safety issues) and now an age limit will be enforced for the race.

Personally, this isn’t a huge issue to me as I would not attempt to take #OhLucy on a 5K without a stroller. Once the stroller option disappeared, so did any desire to take my littlest one into the race at Disney. But I know many runners love to participate in the 5K division as a family- the whole family- and this will change those plans.

Disneyland Half Weekend

If you want to be surprised: stop reading now. If you want to squee happy squees then scroll down.

Lasting Commemoratives is a company Disney runners love because they help us display the bling and accomplishments we earn. They sometimes let “slip” what the bibs or even medals look like when they post the previews on their website.  Example:

DL weekend collage

Super cute, right?  I love what runDisney has come up with this year- the medals, the ribbons, the bibs.  I’m getting pumped!

How about you?  What do you think about the 5K age limit?  How about the Disneyland Half Weekend Bibs?

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Lauren @ Lauren's Glass Slipper

Wednesday 25th of June 2014

Super cute bibs!! I love the medals this year too. So wish I was running!


Thursday 19th of June 2014

Those bibs are freaking adorable! I love Lilo and Stitch. I don't love the cost to get to CA =(


Thursday 19th of June 2014

I've gotta admit that I'm kind of bummed that I won't be getting to wear that Disneyland 10K bib because I'm doing the Dumbo Double Dare. However, those 4 medals I'll be wearing at the end of the weekend (DL 10K, DL Half, DDD, and Coast to Coast) will make up for it. Disney does come up with cool race bibs.


Wednesday 18th of June 2014

I love them! I wish I was doing Dumbo, for all the involved medals! They are pretty!


Wednesday 18th of June 2014

Oh, how cute!

I'm ok with the age restriction. Little man is 6 and I still haven't taken him running in a 5k. I think he could do it, but not comfortably, and I don't see the point in involving him in something like that when he loves running and the kids races and could easily get burned out from a not-so-great experience.