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Goofy Wants My Attention

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I went to the Disneyland last weekend and the signs were everywhere.

It’s time to get serious about going Goofy.

I was there to run the Dumbo Double Dare Challenge, but Goofy was never far from my thoughts.

First thing I saw at the expo:  Goofy.


I stopped by the runDisney booth where they oh-so-helpfully informed me, “Hey, you know Goofy is still open!”

Yep.  I know, I know.

GAH… I KNOW!!!  (Remember how I registered on day 1 because I worried the anniversary bling would make it a fast sell out?  GAH I say!)

Goofy 2015

I walked over to the New Balance area and looked over my shoulder.

You know it.

He was there.


Back over to the runDisney booth where I needed some pick me up support from my buddy Jeff Galloway.

In his awesome-nothing-ever-bothers-him-cool-as-a-cucumber voice he said, “You CAN do this, Patty.”

I almost weeped.   I may have to buy his app just so he talks me through this sucker.

Galloway book

I did buy his book because, y’all, this is my weakness.

Physically I can do things- all the things, all the miles.  My body works.  I deal with minor injuries but nothing that can hold me back.

It’s the mental issues that hold me back.

psst… that’s foreshadowing for the Disneyland Half Marathon re-cap to come.  GAH! 

I had a chat with Goofy.


Goofy 4

“Gawrsh, I don’t know… just run?” Sigh. Thanks, pal.

I signed up for this.  and now it’s time to get serious about training.

I will fully admit that the half marathon on Sunday shook me up.  (foreshadow, foreshadow, foreshadow!)  Spoiler: That was one HARD half marathon for me.  And I went into feeling fully trained… what’s up with that?!

In hindsight I probably should have signed up for “just” the 26.2 and called things good.

But Goofy, man, Goofy won’t leave me alone.   I WANT to be Goofy.

So I might as well embrace it, and get to work.

Goofy 6

Do you have a big goal race coming up?  How do you handle the mental freak outs?

Sharing is caring!

Kristen @ The Smith Summary

Thursday 4th of September 2014

You've got this girl - we are #fiercelyunited :)


Thursday 4th of September 2014

You can do it Patty!! I have faith in you. Just stick to training!


Wednesday 3rd of September 2014

You've definitely got it in you! I flirted with the idea of signing up for Goofy but I'm also running a marathon in December and was exhausted and burnt out after my first marathon; just didn't think I'd have time to recover fully. It's really the preparation as much as it is the race. And you have plenty of time to prep hard!


Wednesday 3rd of September 2014

I just posted about this very thing. I am training for my first (and only) marathon (WDW in January 2015), and right now, it is feeling all mental. My brain is working hard against me and I have so many doubts and anxieties about it. All you can do is train and do the best you can. You've got this. Goofy says so.

Audra O.

Wednesday 3rd of September 2014

I am running a half marathon in two days, and I have not trained a bit! I'm trying to keep my brains from being terrified and totally screwing me up. The upside is that I'm running with a friend who has also not been training. We may end up being entertainment for everyone else on the course. But Goofy...that would REALLY scare me. Once you get it nailed down, I'd love to hear what mental tips work for you!