Registration opens in early August for the Tinker Bell Half Marathon 2015. My favorite race on the runDisney calendar- the one I actually LOVE running every year due to the perfect course, location, and weather. Well, I did love it. Ahem.
My thoughts on the change of dates has been pretty well documented. But you know I can’t let things go, right? Like Tink, I tend to sulk when things don’t go my way. While I was freezing at the Grand Canyon in my Yeti hat (we had snow, y’all! Snow! In Arizona. In MAY!), I kept an eye on the goings on at Disneyland through Facebook and Twitter.
Friends at Disneyland over the weekend report that it was crazy hot and crazy crowded all weekend long. The line to check bags going into the esplanade was 80-100 people deep (each line) by 11am when the picture below was taken.
Humid and hot. Blech.
It didn’t look pretty.
I *think* I know why they changed the date (all should be revealed soon if I am right!), and in the end I will be ok with the move. I mean, come on, I’ll take a bunch of running nerds over fairy wings any day! But for the majority of Tinker Bell runners and the target demographic of the race, I still think May is a sucky choice.
Too hot. Too Crowded. Too much going on for a mom in May. And too guilt ridden for those who can’t afford to take the family on a trip over Mother’s Day.
You know me- working on the No-Guilt Life thing- so if I go, it will be with a clear conscious. But not everyone can embrace that attitude as freely as I do. I get it- and suspect runDisney is banking on it. Moms surely can’t leave their families behind to share a room with 3 other girlfriends! Nope, they bring them all- booking more rooms, more park tickets, more food, and more souvenirs purchased.
Ah well… if it’s hot and crowded, you can’t say I didn’t warn you. I’m Shenanigans and I approved this message.
Do you think the rumors are right? Was Tinker Bell moved to accommodate a Galactic Challenge or some other Force we don’t quite understand just yet? How do you feel about the change now that you’ve had some time to adjust? Will you run Tinker Bell next year?
Patty Holliday has been running Disney since 2011. She knows just about every tip, trick, and hack there is to cover the runDisney Magical Miles at Disney World and Disneyland. She knows every mile isn’t *always* magical- but with training, tips, and a little bit of pixie dust, they can be a lot of fun! You can also find her at and
Thursday 15th of May 2014
I have been itching to do Tink and have been targeting it as my 2015 race for well over two years. Now, I've got a lot of thinking to do since running this will require traveling with a 2 year old. On the plus side, her birthday is the day after the race and my husband and I agree it would be neat to celebrate her 2nd in DL.
Fairytales and Fitness
Wednesday 14th of May 2014
I'm in the minority by saying that I am glad that Tink moved to May. I never got to go before because it was always sandwiched in between marathon weekend and princess weekend. I think May is a perfect time and am glad to see the run disney events spread out throughout the year a little more. With that being said, Why did they pick mothers day weekend? I think that is a little silly. Aren't the parks already crowded? I thought the whole idea of having. Run disney event was to have it in the off season to attract more people during that time. I guess we will never know what they think.
Patty Holliday
Wednesday 14th of May 2014
I think they thought it was a good family thing to do. I sure wish they had sent out a survey of some of the Tink runners though before making the decision. I can live with the move- I too wish it wasn't THAT weekend in particular. May in general is tough for travel, but Mother's Day is really hard when you have a mom that doesn't run who you want to spend time with!
Wednesday 14th of May 2014
I'm bummed about Tink moving because it was what gave me my motivation to run during the winter months. I hate running in the dark but knowing I had Tink in January, I knew I had to do it. Also, it does mess with my family's Mother's day traditions which will probably anger the non-runners in the family. As for the weather, it is normally not this hot in May, we normally have "May Gray" which leads into "June Gloom" but we are having a crazy heat wave right now.
Patty Holliday
Wednesday 14th of May 2014
May Gray sounds ok to me. :) And yes- mother's day traditions are going to be a bit messed up for some.
Wednesday 14th of May 2014
As an orange county local I'm even bummed about it moving because I fell on love with another Saturday race during may over mother's day weekend! I'm strongly thinking about skipping the 10k and running back to back half's unless there is a challenge for doing both. I didn't really enjoy the 10k it felt very rushed and the course kind of sucks. But as everyone has said may is crazy and adding more into is insane but I'll make it work at least for the half on Sunday
Patty Holliday
Wednesday 14th of May 2014
You guys do have some GREAT races in So Cal! All year round. #jealous
Wednesday 14th of May 2014
I hate the move for all the reasons you mentioned. At this point in my life I can't be away from my children, husband, mom, mother in law on Mothers Day. Its not an option for me. I also can't take my daughter out of school for 2 days just 2 weeks before summer vacation starts to bring her down to Disneyland. I think it was a money move by RunDisney just like you said. Tink will always hold a special place in my heart. It was my first rundisney event. The weather was perfect, the course was awesome and it kept my training on track (sometimes) over the holidays. Im going to miss that race. But I'm thankful that I have the opportunity to have legacy status with Avengers now. And I'm crossing my fingers that you are right and we'll see a new race replace Tink on that MLK weekend!
Patty Holliday
Wednesday 14th of May 2014
Hugs Kirstie! You know I'm right there with you. And we DO have Avengers and hopefully Star Wars on the way! #AllGoodThings