Black Friday Gratitude | Thankful for Running

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I’m linking up this week with the Black Friday Gratitude Friday Five.  Thanks to Courtney, Mar, and Cynthia for hosting!

I could certainly fill up more than five things I’m thankful for here.  My family alone can fill up 80 gazillion reasons why I am hashtag blessed.  I honestly live a charmed life in many ways and, trust me, I’m fully aware of that fact.  I try very hard not to take that for granted, and thank God every day for giving me such a- dare I say it- magical life.

I’ll narrow things down a bit though and talk about why I’m thankful for running.

Because, YES, despite being a reluctant (and admittedly not a very good) runner, I am oh so thankful I decided to run a 5K after having Seth over eight years ago.

Here are five running things I’m thankful for today.

  1. Runners.  ALL of you.  Without you, this whole running for hours and hours would totally suck.  My favorite running memories are not about the training or the distances or the times I sometimes pull off.  It’s about the times we laughed, we high fived, we ran side by side (until you left me in the dust) and shared the stories from the course.  It’s YOU who make me want to keep running.
    PHM 2015 1
  2. Running clothes that fit my “non-traditional” runner body.  Bless you, Katie K Active, Sparkle Skirts, and tasc for thinking outside the box.  Recognizing that some of your potential customers may not be skinny twig bitches makes taking that first step out in public easier.  From the Fat Patricia’s of the world, THANK YOU.  And hell yeah, put me down for some cardio!
    horizontal running
  3. runDisney.  Yes, you drive me crazy at times.  I don’t understand the things you do, and I don’t agree with all the choices.  And yes, you cost me a crapton of money.  Stupid amounts of money to run a race.  The simple fact of the matter is this:  I wouldn’t be running more than 2 miles EVER if runDisney did not exist.  For all the haters out there who think there’s nothing good or real about running at Disney, I ask you to step back a moment and consider people who would NEVER be compelled to embrace an active lifestyle if it wasn’t for the running Mouse.  Skirts, tutus, tiaras and costumes may make you feel like it’s less of a race, but for those who literally wouldn’t have gotten off the couch or had the courage to try running, this is a HUGE blessing.
  4. The right gear.  When I first started running, my feet hurt, my back hurt, and I was prone to chafing and misery.  Then I discovered I was doing it wrong.  Head to toe wrong, basically.  I ran in regular socks and my Kohl’s Nikes that I bought on sale.  When I womaned up and found the courage to walk into a real running store, my life changed.  Asics fitted for my gait; feetures! socks that provided support and cushioning.  And hello, Body Glide.
    Hi Jack, I'm Annette. You're doing it wrong.
    Hi Jack, I’m Annette. You’re doing it wrong.


  5. Health.  If I wasn’t a runner, I’m positive I’d be diagnosed with diabetes at this point.  In fact, after taking a small break last spring/summer from running, I had a huge come to Galloway moment.  Blood work taken at that time indicated I was at risk for an official diabetes diagnosis.  My cholesterol was creeping up again and blood pressure needed watching.  Well.  If that doesn’t motivate you to get back out on the road, I don’t know what will.  Adjusting diet (always!) and putting in the miles paid off.  I’m happy to report that training for the Disneyland 10K and Avengers Infinity Gauntlet pulled all my numbers back in line nicely.  Phew.  And see Gratitude #3 again.

What has running done for you?  Do you have some things you are especially grateful for today?

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