Attention All Princess Half Marathon Bloggers: Seeking Your Re-Caps!

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Did you have fun storming the castle?

Found in Epcot- CLASSIC!

Did you run and then blog about the 2014 Walt Disney World Princess Half Marathon weekend?  If so, I’d love to hear from you!  I’m looking to capture all the re-caps and put them together in one easy to find post.  Easy for me, easy for you, easy for future Princesses-In-Training!

If you’d like to be included, please post in the comments section.  Include your link to the Expo, 5K, 10K or PHM.  I’ll compile everything into one post later this week.  Looking forward to reading all your re-caps!

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  1. I wish I ran this year – I do have recaps from 2013, and even a couple of blog posts I wrote last month purely for PHM tips (one for runner’s and one for spectators) – links below!

    2013 PHM Pre-Race

    2013 PHM Race Recap

    PHM Tips for Runners

    PHM Tips for Spectators

  2. These are recaps just from this year. Do you want others?


    Royal Family 5K :

    Enchanted 10K :

    Princess Half:

    Lacey is also going to do a recap of her race ( since she ran alone) and of the Pasta Party as well. If you don’t mind I will post them here after they are complete! Thanks for making a list for everyone. I love reading all the recaps!

  3. Talk about great motivation to get my recaps finished rather than procrastinating for … oh, eleven months like I did last year. 😉 Off to work I go, hope I make the deadline…

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