
Sum It Up Sunday

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This is possibly my last early Sunday morning post for a while.  Sundays become a day of rest (and long runs) after today.

How do I feel about that?  Let me Sum It Up for you:

Okay, okay, to be fair… it hasn’t been awful.  Truly.  I will miss the wonderful people that make up the American Cancer Society and the important work they do. I’m proud to say I had almost seven years devoted to the mission.

But yeah, after today, I get to sleep in on Sundays.  My family needs me more than the Society at this time.  It was an easy decision after a month of single parenting with four hooligans.  The hooligans were winning in a landslide.  A landslide of laundry that almost took me out. Yep.  It’s time.

Wine and Dine Half
I leave in FOUR days.  Eeeepppp!

Thursday starts off with a mini-reunion of the DisBroads.  Julie, Tania, Bonnie and I arrive and take over Disney’s Animal Kingdom Village (courtesy of DisBroad Kristen and her DVC points- she’s my favorite, by the way).  DisBroads Amy, Kristen, Suzanne and April will show up Friday.

DisBroad Summer is stuck moving (I feel ya girl) and DisBroad Shannon chose Paris over us.

What. Evs. 

And of course, the big reunion on Friday with Mr. Shenanigans on Friday.

Sparkle Skirts
I’ll be wearing them.  You betcha!  And the Sparkle Skirts crew will be at the Expo as well.  Please stop by, give Leah a hug, and tell her Patty sent ya!  Just a reminder- you cannot order for Expo pickup.  They simply do not have the staff or room in the booth to make this happen.  But they will be there, with loads of inventory, just for YOU!  If you want to window shop, check out the fancy new website they launched this summer.

runDisney Meet-Up
Tania and I will be representing the DisBroads at the first ever night time meet-up! We can’t wait to see what’s in store for us: wining, dining, Illuminations, speakers, and more.  Including a little bit of running around the World.  I’ve been lucky enough to attend two meet-ups (one at Disneyland and one at Walt Disney World) and they are – well- amazing.

Be sure to follow us on Twitter @longhorns2 @lolalambchops and @DisBroads Thursday night.  Lots of pictures and information will be LIVE TWEETED and you won’t want to miss!

ps- the shirts are going to be wine colored, so this of course called for a new Sparkle Skirt. Yes, I know I have a problem.  But really- is there such a thing as too much sparkle in your life?

What are your plans this week?  Besides entering to win the Gift Cards, of course!  Training? Racing? Moving? Going to PARIS? (no, I’m not jealous or anything… grumble grumble)  Would love to hear about your week!

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  1. My plans are to watch everyone get crazyexcited for W&D! 4 days!!!!!! WOOT! Excited for you and I’ll be glued to twitter all weekend. There can NEVER been too much Sparkle, although my bank account disagrees, probably why I only have three (ahem…so FAR) LOL!

    1. HA! I seriously have a #SparkleProblem but I justify it by saying in AZ I will wear it year round! 😉 4 more days- I know- so happy to run this race! And you know I am never happy to run anything- lol. But this one looks awesome. Have a great week Karen!

  2. See you at the meet-up on Thursday! It’s a busy weekend with the MVMCP (did I do that right?) on Friday night and the race on Saturday night. I think I’ll spend all day Saturday snuggled in bed or snacking by the pool! Three nights at Disney with no kids, Priceless!!!

  3. I hope you all have a fabulous time!!

    I think I decided not to move and instead stow away in Shannon’s luggage bound for Paris!! We will just have to buy new clothes when we get there. 😉

  4. Yay 4 days!! Wish I was going this year too, but I’m so excited to hear about everyone’s costumes/experiences next weekend so I can live vicariously through y’all :0) I seriously cannot wait to hear about the night meet-up. Have TONS of FUN!

  5. Crazy how soon it’s coming up! I am trying not to have the sadz but I do, I really really do! Alas, I will console myself on the many hour long flight to Paris on Sunday… Leaving is a lot of work! Also – maybe one of my favorite hey girl’s this far!

  6. I seriously cannot believe it’s almost Thursday! We are going to have such a fabulous time! Must start packing.

  7. I have officially (over)packed. Now, I just have to make it through Thursday. We leave at o’dark thirty. It is so close, I can’t stand it.

  8. Most importantly, entering your contest! I’m so excited to hear about your W&D festivities! So excited for you for the meet up! 🙂 And I should probably add some running in there somewhere. 🙂

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