Super Heroes Half Weekend: Dr. Strange 10K and Captain America 5K

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Avengers medal DLH sign

Lost in much of the excitement over the Wine and Dine changes were some other updates to the runDisney website.

This concerns the Avengers Super Hero Half weekend which has been renamed the Super Heroes Half Weekend.

Looks like Dr. Strange is taking over the 10K (movie out November 4th!).

Dr Strange

That move makes sense, and I’m happy to see that Captain America is retaining a race of his own as well.

He’s moving to the 5K distance.

As long as he’s still getting a top billing, I’m a happy runner!

#TeamCap all the way.

Captain 10K

Here are the prices for the weekend races as well.

Be sure to check for more updates.

Avengers 16

Are you running the Super Heroes Half this year?

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  1. So very sad that I didn’t do the Captain 10K… I would have liked that medal. Nice that they’re changing it up for those who want to do the race every year.

  2. Thanks for the scoop! I’ve done all the Avengers 5Ks so far and I’m considering the 10K this time. My husband wants to do the Half. He did the inaugural Cap 10K last year and crushed it. Good luck to you on the races! 🙂

  3. I’m looking forward to representing Hydra once again during the Infinity Gauntlet Challenge. Hail Hydra!

  4. It sounds cool and all, but I am so sad about the name change (We are Avengers!!!) and the loss of Cap in the 10k. I guess that means we have to run all weekend.

    Right, Patty?


  5. Did it end up selling out this past November? I wonder if the change in branding isn’t partially an attempt to get people who did the first year and then passed on year 2 to come out again. I’m guessing there will be a new medal design.
    I’m sure you didn’t miss the news that they’re pulling the superheroes out of Innoventions and putting them in California Adventure. With all the summer movies, I have to wonder how they’re going to hype the Marvel stuff. They seem to be trying to keep it far away from Star Wars. Literally….

    1. Oh good point about separating from Star Wars. I assumed they just wanted to add to SW and thus the change. This race did not sell out last year, I’m sure the rebranding is an attempt to help there as well.

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