Sum It Up Sunday

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This one’s going to be a brain dump for Sum It Up Sunday.

This week?  Not my best.  Not as a mom, as a wife or as a runner.  Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had worse.  But I’m hoping by confessing all my lameness today I can clear the slate and move on with a better outlook.

Starting off with the big elephant (or donkey?) in the room…


I confess:  I’m a deepender when it comes to my passions.  When I latch onto something, it’s hard for me to let go.  I kinda get all consumed and the next thing you know, a full day goes by with very little done, other than whatever I’m freaking in love with at the time.

So something you may not know about me.  I’m a political junkie.  I tend to keep it on the side.

But every 4-years I become obsessed with the ins and outs of the Presidential race.


Ob. Sessed.

I wish we could all agree to vote for this guy, cause he’s funny if nothing else.  But that’s not how it works.  It’s not how any of this works!

I keep it off the blog and my blog social media (well, maybe a tweet or two!), but man, my personal friends are in for a treat.  Lucky you!

It’s amazing.  Our country is cuckoo ridiculous with the rules and structure and freakin length of this process.

But I love it.

The problem?  Ob. Sessed, remember?  I need to love it a little less when it comes to how much time I’m devoting to it this passion. So that’s my plan this week.

Put the Twitter down, and go for a run.  And to the grocery store.  And clean the house.  And put away the laundry.  All things I confess to completely neglecting this week. Also known as my job as a wife and mom.  I told you; it’s been bad!

I have an excellent husband who knows my patterns and forgives me for them.  But I need to get my shiz together.  Cause forgiveness is beautiful, but it would be even better if I just got stuff done in the first place!


Waaaahhhh… I hurt my knees, and I can’t run!


Well, that was a true statement until Wednesday.  If you remember in my Phoenix Half recap, I fell early on and busted up knees and hands.  Hands were fine, but both knees hurt like heck for a couple of days.  Wearing capris or jeans was out of the question since they rubbed too much on them.

By Wednesday, I was perfectly fine to run.  But I didn’t.

See political obsession above.

I’ve got one more challenge/half on my plate before I can dial back down to smaller running numbers.  I really can’t afford to just not run.  My bootay is getting out the door this week.

Giveaway Alert- $100 Gift Card

Don’t forget about this one.  It’s super easy to enter.

First, go here and read about the amazing honorees.  Pick one that inspires you the most.  It’s hard, I know.  They are all special people!

Then go HERE and leave me a blog comment telling me who and why.

That’s it.  You’re entered.


Oh my word, y’all.

Arizona in the winter and spring is perfection.

weather AZ 1

I’ve stayed inside with my Twitter instead of getting out and enjoying the fabulous weather in March and that is just unforgivable.

Phone down, shoes on, GO.

Wine and Dine Questions

Monday is just around the corner.

IF any of these funky signs are pointing to anything (and hey, I admit it could all be Wine and Dine as usual come Monday!) I expect we should know by then.

At the very least, pricing for this race weekend should be up on the website I would hope.


So one more day.  We can hang for one more day, right?

It’s exciting to think that a big change could come with the addition of a challenge, but I know if that happens it’s also likely that the night aspect of the race goes away.  This is a big HURRAH to some and a big WHOMPWHOMP to others.

Just like Tink, sometimes changes are made and we have no say in the matter.  But rest assured, life and runDisney will go on no matter how it affects us personally.

Though I still miss my Tink, I am cool with what took her place.  Good things can come from change!


Speaking of Tink and change, the news came out on Friday that one of the runDisney announcers, Rudy Novotny, will not be returning for Tink.


The powers that be decided they would prefer an all female announcing team for this race.  Or at least, that’s the story we are hearing.

While this is a bummer, I certainly hope this doesn’t mean that we will lose Rudy forever.  He’s a great ambassador for runners and as a voice of runDisney for all my races, he will be missed.

Purple Magic Bands


magic band purple

Yes, this happened.  Who has two thumbs and already grabbed one?

This girl!

PhotoPass at Races

Apparently, yes, this is coming to Walt Disney World races.

A memo was shared with front-line cast members this week letting them know that this will start with the Star Wars Half Marathon weekend.  No other details have been released, but, um, yeah… this is yuuuuggge!

FREE race pics if you are an Annual Passholder?  Awesome.


Alright, that’s what I’ve got for today.

I’m going to sign off, clean the house, RUN, and do other things with the family.  Like, clean up after two big sleepovers this weekend.  Lawdy, kids are messy!

Be sure to watch the blog tomorrow.  If there are any significant announcements, you know I’ll share as soon as I hear anything official.

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  1. I have a feeling they’ll find a way around the free photo thing for APs somehow. No reason to give up a revenue stream just to get rid of third party vendors.

    1. Supposedly- you know how this goes- someone called rD and had AP “free” race photos confirmed. But I’m skeptical on that myself. It’s great if it works that way. Buttttt… Follow the money.

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