2015 Medals In Review | Tuesdays on the Run

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TOTR 2 small 300This is it!  The last Tuesdays on the Run for 2015.

I hope you’ve had fun reading and linking up this year.  2016 is going to continue to be loads of fun around here.

But first:  let’s talk medals.  AKA Bling.  AKA the reason you run?  Okay, we know it’s one of the reasons we run, regardless.  We want to hear about your favorites.  Annnddd your least favorites.  Your hardest earned and your biggest PR medal.

Link up with Erika, Marcia and me for this week’s Tuesdays on the Run!

2015 Medals In Review

It was another nice medal haul this year.  I have to give runDIsney major props when it comes to the bling.  They do them right.

Errr… mostly.  I know some of the Infinity Challenge medals lost their stones, but thankfully good customer service prevailed, and new medals were sent out.

2015 runDisney Medals

While I was going over these medals for the post, I stopped at each one and said, “This is my favorite”.

I clearly have a problem.

I narrowed them down though to these three.  The tie breakers being the experience behind the bling.

The Inaugural Star Wars 10K

Star Wars 10K 2015 Medal

When runDisney announced these last year, I squealed.  THIS was the medal I was looking for.  I loved the Storm Trooper theme and couldn’t wait to run this new course.

A year later and much has changed.  This medal will probably never return to the Disneyland race as it’s rebranded to the Light Side Challenge.   For that particular reason, I put this one on the favorites list.

For that particular reason, I put this one on the favorites list.

The experience:  Star Wars.  Duh.  I wanted this weekend so badly, and runDisney did not disappoint.

The Castaway Cay Challenge

castaway challenge medal

Swoon.  Have you ever seen something so pretty in your life?

I loved how they incorporated the castle and the ship into this medal.  We earned this by running the Princess Half Marathon and then adding another 5K on Disney’s private island.

And yes, it is the most EXPENSIVE medal I have ever earned.  They aren’t joking when they say that!

The experience: my first cruise and time with some incredible friends.  We bonded big time on the ship and, girls, if you ever want to go back, just holler!  I’m so on board (get it?) with that plan!

The Infinity Gauntlet Challenge

Infinity Gauntlet

I’m just as surprised as you to see this as one of my favorite medals.

That big ugly gold fist?  Ewww.

But I LOVE it.  I tell you what, a perfect experience surrounded by the right people can sure color how you reflect on a medal.

The Captain America 10K is my favorite race to date.  The half was one of the “growing” experiences I had this year as a runner.  Getting the extra bling, ugly as I once thought it was, was the cherry on top.

The experience:  All about the people on this one.  Add some perfect weather, fun costumes, and a handful of pixie dusted experiences made this race weekend one of a kind.

Four Magical Miles Virtual Race

Magical Miles

Since we’re talking medals today, I wanted to share this one.  It’s got a castle, y’all! And you don’t have to travel to Disney to get it.

This is right up the alley for my tiara wearing Princess Half Marathon runners in training.  Since you are going to train through January, why not get a jump on some sparkly bling for your collection?

This is the Gone For A Run Four Magical Miles virtual race.

For $30 you receive the following package:

Four Magical Miles

Not only that, this race benefits one of the best charities of all: Give Kids the World.

Give Kids The World is a non-profit organization that exists only to fulfill the wishes of all children with life-threatening illnesses and their families from around the world to experience a memorable, joyful, cost-free visit to the Central Florida attractions, and to enjoy the magic of Give Kids The World Village for as long as there is a need.

magical miles virtual

I’m looking forward to earning this bling at the end of January.

Disclosure: I’m a Gone for a Run Ambassador and I received free entry for this virtual event. 

Which medal holds your heart for best bling this year?  Do you have one you are looking forward to earning in 2016?

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  1. Pretty bling!

    Wait…what a cruise race…..tell me more!

    I think Cherry Blossom was my favorite of this year…it is so pretty and super heavy!

    I have no particular medal I am looking for next year but will cherish the 1st duathalon and triathlon medal that I earn in 2016.

    1. Yes! If you run the 5K on the cruise after running any race at WDW marathon weekend you get the special medal. And a cruise after a marathon is probably the right way to go!

  2. I have been eyeing running cruises for years! Someday. With the exception of the Alaska one, none of them get me more states!

    I don’t really think I have a favorite medal this year. I have favorite races, but the medals were just kind of meh. A Star Wars medal would definitely be cool!

  3. Man, those Disney medals are something else! I can’t wait to do the Avengers and Star Wars races when my son is old enough. My girls would love them too (and the Princess races). Happy New Year!

  4. The cruise medal is so pretty! I hadn’t seen it somehow. I love the new Castaway Cay 5K medallions too. I forgot about that one in my round up. 🙂 Thanks for sharing that virtual race – looks fun!

  5. WOW WOW WOW on the medals! Those are awesome!! I’ve never done a Disney race…might need to think about it now. I don’t have any nice big races on schedule for 2016, maybe I’ll take a look a Disney! WE’re about a 6 hour drive to Disney World…so maybe?

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