runDisney Costume Policy UPDATE
We knew this was happening. This is a huge change to the runDisney costume policy, and you will want to take note.
The rumors were out there and despite the emails from runDisney assuring no changes were coming, I had a feeling we would see this.
Unfortunately, this is going to come late for many Marathon & Star Wars runners.

Wowza. I’m sorry for those that need to make big changes.
Annnnddd… kinda glad I procrastinated as long as I did.
Here is the main information you need. Read the rest on
- For runDisney participants ages 14 and older:
- Layered costumes, that could conceal prohibited items, are not permitted (e.g. Jedi robes).
- Costume props, including those that surround the entire body (e.g. Death Star, UP House) are not permitted.
- Costumes may not reach or drag on the ground. (e.g. full-length Princess dresses)
- Capes may be worn if the length does not go below the waist.
- Themed T-shirts, blouses, sweatshirts, and hats are acceptable.
- Acceptable accessories include: transparent wings, plastic light sabers, toy swords, and tutus. Headwear may be worn as long as it does not cover the face.
- Guests may not wear masks of any kind.
No Capes! Well, no long ones anyway.
What do you think of the changes?
Patty Holliday has been running Disney since 2011. She knows just about every tip, trick, and hack there is to cover the runDisney Magical Miles at Disney World and Disneyland. She knows every mile isn’t *always* magical- but with training, tips, and a little bit of pixie dust, they can be a lot of fun! You can also find her at and
I am running Star Wars and am ok with this. I can’t run in a long dress and have a short princess Leia one but I was going to wear the wig and now I am not sure. These runs are amazing and I don’t want it to be ruined by the inability to wear such costumes. We know how to make things work 🙂
I also wouldn’t try to run in a long dress, but I felt that *most* of the folks that did wear those costumes did it knowing their abilities. I know mine: a boxy costume or a long dress not included! lol It will be fine once everyone settles down and we see what is approved at the next 2 races. But bummer on the timing.
This would be devastating!!! I have never run as Disney race but all I have heard about them is the costumes!
I hope folks doing the Star Wars Run don’t have to change up too much.
The Star Wars race was the big one for costumes. It’s a big deal to make a change like this so late to them. Ugh.
I am freaking out! So many of the Star Wars costumes are layered. Lots of vests, jackets, robes, wraps, overlays.
My costume is General Leia from the end of the new movie. It’s a dress with an overlay. The overlay is open on the sides, but it is definitely longer than the waist.
I honestly don’t have a problem with the changes, but I do have a HUGE problem that they announced this so close to race day. SO not cool, RunDisney!
I think at the least they should have given the heads up back when the other costume concerns were discussed. Something simple like “We are evaluating our policy at this time and expect changes to be enforced. We will let you know as soon as possible”. I think people would have planned conservatively in that case. 🙁 Ah well- send rD an email pic of your costume and ask for a ruling!
Too bad they couldn’t set something up at the Expo where runners who weren’t sure about their costumes could have them okay’d. I sure hope it doesn’t cause a mess on the morning of the races when people are heading to the corrals.